Track email correspondence without a deal

Is it possible to have emails (sent from my email account, not campaigns or automations sent from within ActiveCampiagn) appear with a contact when there is no deal associated with that contact?



Not at this time. I’ve added this to the idea tracking tool we use internally because I can see how this would be useful.

Adding my $0.02, for a specific use example…

This would be really useful for those of us in Real Estate. 1 contact that doesn’t yet have a specific property they’re interested in, a contact that you’re working with interested in multiple properties, etc. Re: the latter, I track every property separately that an investor client evaluates.

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@Brian Just checking to see if there’s any movement on this idea. It’s actually critical not just from a CRM perspective, but also a campaign perspective.

When I send an email blast people on my list will often email me back which, of course, I reply to. Tracking that correspondence is necessary for engagement purposes, especially when/if they move to purchase.

I have to admit that I find it extremely strange that AC has tied this functionality to deals, especially when there’s tracking code to track site visits. Basically, you’re delivering an incomplete picture of a contact’s history OR forcing us to set up deals with every name on our list, just to capture that data.

FYI I am coming from AgileCRM & Nimble, where tracking of email correspondence with anyone who’s on the list is standard functionality. Tying email tracking to deals is a huge limitation which puts you way behind your CRM competitors.

Any updates you can provide would be much appreciated!


@Brian I would love to see this too.

I agree, definitely a must have! Is it possible to vote somewhere on this functionality?

Yes! If this feature is important to you, please take a moment to submit a feedback request for it:

Your feedback is combined with similar requests so you’re basically adding a vote for this feature.

Can someone explain the logic that requires emails to be linked to a deal? This makes zero sense to me. A majority of my emails with leads, customer or vendors have nothing to do with a deal, however, these correspondents are of vital importance to me and i need them linked to the contact.