Too many link clicks at one time hurting website performance

When we send email campaigns we have a jump in users on our website. Our website response time is bad and we’ve even had a 502 error once, within minutes of sending the campaign.

Before we invest further in upgrading our website server to accommodate our email campaigns, which is only twice per month right now, I’m wondering if anyone has other ideas? I think the ideal solution is if the email campaign could send over a period of 1-2 hours, so that we won’t see the same user spike. However, I can’t find this functionality in AC. I have seen other email marketing software that will allow you to send emails campaigns in batches over a period of time (example - divide into 10 batches in 5 hours). Any ideas or suggestions?

Would sending to a smaller list work for you, at least until you work through your website issues? You could divide your email list into smaller segments and schedule them to be sent at different times. While this isn’t as automated as batching, it can still help distribute the load.

We have the exact same problem. Guess robots click the links. Would be a nice feature though to spread the sending over a timeperiod.

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Hi Mika, Thanks for your suggestion. It’s something we are exploring, but it will result in a lot more effort. I don’t believe we can see the combined campaign results either.
Do you know if there is a plan to add batch sending as an AC feature in the future? I hear that it can help reduce getting targeted as a spammer as well, a title which we all wish to avoid!

I definitely see how this would be helpful! Please add this to so that the community can upvote and move this along with our product team.

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