Hello Fellow AC members,
I just want to share this information because I spent longer than I want to admit on figuring this issue out…
Goal: Being able to track users that sign up for my newsletter.
Problem: Users were being added to my list and contacts in ActiveCampaign, but the tracking data wasn’t show up.
- ActiveCampaign Form (IMPORTANT)
- ActiveCampaign Lead List
- ThriveLeads
- Create the List in ActiveCampaign
- Create the form (don’t worry about the design of it) and point it to your list.
- In Thrive, when connecting to the service, make sure to use the list AND the ActiveCampaign form
When a visitor signs up for the newsletter, they now receive a email confirmation (because of the ActiveCampaign form). Once they confirm the email, their tracking information will be shown…
Until they clean out their cookies
Bonus: I used Google Tag Manager for the ActiveCampaign Code and it works too.
Here’s my guide with more info and pictures: http://getdsm.com/marketing/tracking-users-activecampaign-thriveleads/