Time on page or scroll triggers/automation?

Hi guys,

I can’t seem to find a trigger that can work based on time-on-page and/or scroll?
For example, I want a popup form to show if time-on-page is 45 seconds, or scrolled to 60% of the page.

Please help.
Thank you!

Hi @mham!

Using the floating box or modal option in our form builder - you can set a percentage scrolled delay on when the form will show up. At this time, we do not have a time-on-page option.

Check it out:

Thanks Ted.
So there’s no way to figure out a time-on-page? Say, 60 seconds time on page?

Hi there, Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.

There are several ways to track how long a contact spends on your website. One common method is to use website analytics tools like Google Analytics, which can provide you with detailed insights into visitor behavior, including how long they spend on your site.

To track the time spent on your website using Google Analytics, you can set up events or goals to track specific actions or page views. Additionally, Google Analytics provides metrics such as average session duration and average time on page, which can give you an overall idea of how long visitors are spending on your site.

Any questions or feedback, thread below!