Testing all variants of conditional content

Does anyone know a quick way to test each variant of an email which includes conditional content blocks? Specifically when using email address as the differentiator? Ive done this the long way round creating a contact record for each version but its quite time consuming. I can’t find any help articles on testing conditional content. If anyone could help or point me in the right direction that would be amazing!

I have a common use case that I test for, so I created 4 different contact emails to represent the 4 different pieces of conditional content in the email. Make the change to each contact profile to show the different condition. I have the test emails saved in a note I can easily refer to when I test.

ben+testcon1@leadflowagency.com - use for conditional content 1
ben+testcon2@leadflowagency.com - use for conditional content 2
ben+testcon3@leadflowagency.com - use for conditional content 3
ben+testcon4@leadflowagency.com - use for conditional content 4

Now would it be great if they had a built-in test function to simulate for conditional content - yes. I haven’t put the idea in but it would make it much easier (and confident) if they did.

I just realized people reading this may not be familiar with the + trick for gmail /google based email addresses. Not sure about other email systems.

if your email is say ben@gmail.com, you can create different email addresses that go to the same inbox.

they all flow into ben@gmail.com

This is a huge time saver for testing purposes.

Thanks for sharing this. Just to clarify, did you create each of those test emails as contacts and apply the correct profile info to trigger the appropriate condition?

Then, do you send them a test email, or do you have to run the campaign to those test contacts and then duplicate it?

I’ve been trying to use conditional content in automations and can’t figure out how to test this completely.