Tasks added by API can't be completed

I’m not sure if this is a bug, or an undocumented feature.

You can add tasks via the API and not specify a time or duration and they are added fine.


You can’t mark them as completed.

From the API you get an error Unprocessable Entity.
If you try and complete them from the application under the deal, no error, but the task is not completed.

If you add a deal task via the application it defaults to a 15 minute duration and doesn’t give you the option to set the duration.

When you edit the deal task from the contact, it then defaults the duration to 30 minutes, and allows you to complete it.

Also, the “duration” field is not used. The duration is calculated by the difference between the edate and duedate fields.

I’ve posted this here to help anyone else, and save them the hours I spent trying to work out why I couldn’t complete some tasks.

Hello @goldrushtechnologypt,

So far I have been unable to reproduce the issue that you described. I was able to successfully create a task via the API by making a POST to the /api/3/dealTasks endpoint, and then successfully able to mark the task as completed using a PUT and updating the status to 1.

Is there any additional detail that you can provide about the steps you took that resulted in this issue? An example of the POST call to create the task and the PUT call to update the task would be the most helpful information if you can provide this. (Please mask any personal information when providing these calls).

Any additional steps or information that you can provide to help reproduce this will help our team troubleshoot the issue and recommend any next steps.

Thank you,