Tags going missing

I’ve recently noticed that tags appear to be going missing from contacts.

These are tags that should have been set and have no reason to have been removed.

Has anyone else experienced this?

There does not appear to be aby audit log from which to try and diagnose this problem.

Hey there,

Thank you for letting us know about this experience. I am happy to assist!

Tags being removed from contacts are likely going to be the result of a few different things - so lets narrow those down!

  1. An Automation

Automation actions include “removing tags” - you can use the filter on your automations page to find every automation where this action is included: Zight Recording 2024-5-28 a...

  1. An API call

If you are using an external application that is connected to ActiveCampaign via the use of APIs, it is likely that the app is updating specific contacts, and therefore removing tags. Review the code to ensure the removal of tags does not happen unless specified.

  1. Zapier

Similar to an API call, if you are using Zapier a Zap may be fired that is updating a contact and thus removing the tag. You can review your Zaps to ensure no tag removals are happening erroneously.

  1. Another user

Some accounts may have other users bulk editing contacts or editing contacts manually. Ensure with your account users that no one else has touched the contacts/tags in question.

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Thanks smanjee,

I will look into our API calls in more detail.