Tagging people who checked a box in 'fields' on your website

I integrated an Active Campaign form on my website. I added a custom field where people have to check a box that asks the question ‘what work do you do?’. An automation is activated when people complete en send the form. The first thing this automation does, is giving people a tag that matches the box they checked, when filling in my form.

I should be able to see this tag, when clicking on a persons profile or when I segment the contact list, by using this tag. This doesn’t work.The tag also doesn’t appear when I want to segment all my contacts.

There are a few other options to give people a tag, but no other way that connects to the different boxes in my custom field.

What am I doing wrong?

Hi @wiseup!

It could be possible that the conditions set in the automation for assigning the Tags are “IS” and not “CONTAINS.” You want this to be “CONTAINS” since with a checkbox field, someone can select multiple options. Let me know if this does the trick. :slight_smile:

Principal Customer Experience Specialist


Wauw thanks that’s very helpful. And logical, but apparently I didn’t think of it. Thanks so much.

  • Lisanne
    Wise up Consultancy