Syncing Typeform "variables" to AC

AC’s Typeform integration can map Typeform questions, but sadly it doesn’t seem to recognize any of the generated Typeform variables.

These variables are just more fields in the Typeform results that sync to other tools like Google Sheets easily it seems.

This means important lead data will not be synced to AC.

Am I missing something?

What do people do ti get around this? Use yet another tool(s) in the middle?


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Hey there! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!

While there isn’t a direct way to sync Typeform variables to ActiveCampaign, you can still utilize this data by exporting the Typeform responses to a third-party service like Google Sheets and then setting up an integration between Google Sheets and ActiveCampaign. This workaround allows you to capture and process the Typeform variables even though they cannot be directly imported into ActiveCampaign. Here is how:

  • Export Typeform Responses to Google Sheets:

    • In your Typeform, go to “Responses” and select “Export”.
    • Choose “Google Sheets” as the export format.
    • Click “Export” to export the responses to a Google Sheet.
  • Then you can Set up Google Sheets Integration with ActiveCampaign as shown HERE.

Hope this helps, and keep us posted with any updates!