Syncing contact score with Salesforce

Is it possible to sync contact score to the lead/contact in Salesforce? As i can see the score in AC is not a mappable field in Salesforce. Is it possible to export this data in another way?

I have been trying to find the answer to this but i don’t think it is available.

Thanks for your help


I would also like to know the answer for this, and I have the same question about tags!


It looks like no one is doing anything about this… anyone found an answer? I would also like to use this.

Hi @farmlink, @voicebase1, and @copenhagen-optimizat!

I found this help article that answers some of the questions about our Salesforce Account Sync. This article has some additional details as well. Please let me know if this was helpful!

Thanks @ACMolly, but those are just generic help pages and do not address the specific request.

Hi there, Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.

Currently, syncing ActiveCampaign contact scores directly to Salesforce leads or contacts isn’t directly supported out of the box as the contact score is not a standard field in Salesforce that can be mapped. However, there are alternative ways to export this data from ActiveCampaign to Salesforce:

Custom Field Mapping: While the contact score itself may not be a mappable field in Salesforce, you can create custom fields in Salesforce to store the contact score information. Then, you can use automation in ActiveCampaign to update these custom fields whenever the contact score changes. This can be achieved through the use of ActiveCampaign’s automation features and Salesforce’s API.
API Integration: You can use ActiveCampaign’s API to retrieve contact scores and then push this data to Salesforce via Salesforce’s API. This approach requires custom development to build the integration between ActiveCampaign and Salesforce, but it provides flexibility in how the data is transferred and mapped between the two systems.
Manual Export/Import: If automation is not a requirement or if the volume of data is manageable, you can manually export contact scores from ActiveCampaign and import them into Salesforce as needed. This approach may be less efficient and prone to human error, but it can serve as a temporary solution or for occasional data sync.

Any questions or additional ideas, thread them below!