I have 2 automations setup to send lesson emails to my students. A lesson is released every weekday:
Daily (Default): This will send an email every weekday. In each of these emails, there’s a link to switch to the weekly option.
Weekly: This will be sent out the beginning of every week. Each email is a condensed version of 5 daily emails.
The reason I have these 2 automations is to avoid email fatigue. The default is daily, and students can opt for weekly if they choose.
I’ve made:
“End/Start automation” actions in Daily if switch link is clicked on
Hard dates in Weekly, each email is sent on a specific date, on the first day of the week
If a student switch in the middle of the week, they should still get the weekly of that week (although the current date is not the beginning of the week). How do I make sure that happens?
Also, if a contact enters an automation AFTER the first email (with hard date) has passed, will the contact ‘jump’ automatically to the part where the emails are NOT due yet (hard dates are not due yet)?
I typically try and avoid using tags or bloating custom fields, but it might be the easiest in this case.
After starting the automation you could use add an IF trigger to set the cadence for the week.
Use the if to check for the tag (CADENCE: Weekly or CADENCE: Daily) and if yes send them the weekly email, if no, send them the daily emails with a conditional goal in between (day of week is monday, tuesday, wed, etc…).
You would need to use goals instead of a wait condition on the daily side, to make sure a contact that enters mid-week skips the first few emails of the week. So if a contact enters on wed, you dont want them to receive mon, tues emails.
In order to prevent a contact with the CADENCE: Weekly tag from getting pulled over to the daily branch you will need to include a does not have tag condition on each goal.
You could then handle adding/removing the tag in a seperate automation.