We have 2 scores : one for demographic, one for engagement.
I would like to sum these 2 scores in another “master” score.
i’ve find a workaround in my different automations : when adding a score to engagement, i add the same score to the master score. (for instance for an email opened +2 points both for “engagement score” and “master score”
But for demographic it is more complicated since it’s likely that a user submit different form with potentially different information for the same field
(for instance an “employee” (5points) download an ebook, but then 6 month later he download another one but as a “manager” (20 points) → i need the recalculate all his latest data into the demographic score (but then i cant use my workaround since i don’t want to sum 5+20 points, but only 20 points in my demographic score)
Anyone can help me?
Hi there. This is a really good question. At this time there is no native tool to adjust or correct scoring based on certain variables. I wonder if you could possibly continue to use the automation workaround, by utilizing tags and adding an if/else step to help qualify what point total it needs.
For example, using the example you gave, if a 5-point employee downloads an e-book they could get a tag “employee.” If they download another ebook 6 months later but are now a manager, there can be an if/else step that asks if the tag “employee” exists, and if the tag “manager” exists . If yes then they would only receive 15 points (to total 20) if no then they could get assigned whatever points correspond with their role. It would need some fine-tuning based on how you assign roles and your personal use case.
I do also like the idea of a score adjustment based on certain variables. If you want to suggest this as a feature to ActiveCampaign’s Product Team, you can submit the idea here: ideas.activecampaign.com
Not only will it be viewed by the team, but it can be upvoted by other ActiveCampaign users and can help get more eyes on it. Take care and stay safe.