Submit form using AC API request

Edit for clarity: In order to support double opt-in and all other ActiveCampaign features, can we use the API Request (in Zapier) to mimic the behavior as if the contact had filled out an existing form?

Is it possible to “submit” an AC form from Zapier with the AC API Request?

An external application generates leads. However, since it doesn’t integrate with AC natively I use Zapier to push lead to AC. I have to use tags and an automation to manually implement a “double optin” solution and the contacts are never marked unconfirmed.

So, the issue is: how do leads coming from an external source get the double optin message as if they had completed the form without the headache of managing an automation to manually implement that process.

I’ve tried a few versions of the AC API Request in Zapier (see screenshot) but none as added or updated a test contact.

Any thoughts are appreciated!

No. I know where that exists in other platforms and what your intent is.

Honestly though, double opt in seems to not work, where a simulated always seems to deliver better IMO, so that’s prob the better answer.

Prob one of the few cases where I’d actually use Lists and just sub them to a new list when they engage.

@RobertSegelquist Thanks for that information. I’m not sure I follow your last sentence, but here’s what I’m doing right now:

  1. Contact pushed to AC via zapier
  2. Contact enters automation via tag trigger
  3. Contact subscribed to a Master List and is sent first of two double opt in messages
  4. If the contact clicks the opt in button in the message they are subscribed to the newsletter list
  5. If the contact does not click the opt in button in either of the two messages, they are tagged as as a dormant contact after five days and the tagged for review/deletion after 10 days.

I’m sure this process (see screenshot) violates all the best automation practices, but it does seem to work in the absence of the ability to use Zapier and the AC API to “submit” an AC form…

Do you see anything glaringly wrong in this process?

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From AC Help:

I have heard back from our team and want to let you know that ActiveCampaign’s “Create/Update Contact” zap action does not allow you to use double opt-in confirmation.

The only way to use double opt-in confirmation via Zapier is to use Zapier’s own “Code” app as the zap action app.

And then, using that “Code” action, perform an API call to subscribe the contact (using contact_sync) and making sure to pass along the form ID of the ActiveCampaign form that is subscribing people to that list and that has Opt-In Confirmation enabled.

So, I’m off to learn how to do this, but it seems it may be possible… here’s to hoping it’s not too complex!

GPT may be your best friend on that one.