STUCK! I want to send a campaign to a list but exclude anyone in an active automation

This is probably very simple but I’m a newbie to this! I want to send email campaigns but not include anyone who is in an active automation. I’ve got a list where some are still going through the automation and I don’t want them to receive additional emails. How can I make sure they don’t get them when its 1 list?


Hi Melanie (@melaniebrooks),

Just to clarify, are you looking for a way to ensure your contacts aren’t receiving many emails at any given time?

If so, one way I have seen others limit email sends is by using goals within automations. Goals are a way of measuring the effectiveness of your marketing and serve to measure milestones and key events. Below are a couple guides for you to check out:

I would also recommend checking out a conversation in the AC Forum community. It is where I pulled the above answer from and we go through a few other ways to cap email frequency.

Let me know if you have any additional questions, Melanie; here to help!


Perhaps this?

In every campaign add a DNS (do not send) tag at the beginning and have a remove tag at the end.

Then when you want to send a campaign to everyone except active campaigns you can exclude anyone with a DNS tag.


Hi Perry

Thanks for replying. Yes, currently I have an automation set up for newbies who get my free content etc. I don’t want them to receive the campaign emails I send out on a weekly basis. I’ll have a look at goal automation and the thread you have mentioned


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Thanks for responding!
Ah ok that makes sense, so it would know who’s currently going through campaign by using the tag?


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Of course @melaniebrooks! Yep, that will work.
