Hey guys,
Does the CRM feature have the ability to store client files, such as scanned documents.
Hey guys,
Does the CRM feature have the ability to store client files, such as scanned documents.
Hi Ben,
Just jumping in here. At this time, our CRM does not feature the ability to store files or documents within our platform. If you would like to see this feature added, I would encourage you to submit the idea here: https://ideas.activecampaign.com/ideas/new.
All submissions are reviewed by our Product team who are welcome to new ideas.
Other forum members may be able to point to an integration they use for this purpose.
Thank you,
We created a field for “Drive folder” where we store our client documents and put the link to the “shared folder” in this field.
That’s a great idea but how do you make the link clickable so you are brought to the folder?
@lenherbert You can’t. I think the only place you can store a link in deals is in the Notes section, which is a bit annoying. I too create a custom field for Google Drive but you have to Copy and Paste to see.
There is a workaround in Google Chrome if you use a Custom Text field. Dbl click on the link text to select it, then right-click and the option comes to Go To …[URL]
I’ve made a feature request here https://ideas.activecampaign.com/ideas/AC-I-15311