Start automation based on URL where form is embedded

Hi there,

Just learning my way around AC after being a HubSpot user for a few years.

Loving the features and ease of use with AC and it is now a viable alternative to the higher priced automation suites.

Just one thing that seems to be missing (or maybe I’m just missing how to do it)… We want to have one form for all our landing pages of a specific type (e.g. offering white papers) instead of having to create a form for each of our 10 landing pages. The automation we want to create is to send a specific thank you email with a link to the download for each offer.

The way this would be achieved in hubspot is by setting an automation as “filled in X form on X page” (either of the X’s could be “any” or specific).

I see in AC one can start an automation based on which form is submitted OR which URL the person visits, but not both.

We want to have a form labelled “white paper” (for example) - embed that form on all our landing pages, then send a custom TY email for each different page that form is embedded on on our website.

Is there some easier way to do this than creating 10 different forms and a separate automation for each? Thanks.


Hi Damien,

Good to see you here :slight_smile:

A couple of ideas:

  1. You add a hidden field to your forms with a ‘page_source’ value and use this for your conditions. For this, though, you would need to tweak the form for each page.

  2. The above + use Javascript to capture the URL (or part of the URL) in the same hidden field.

Also, you can set up one automation with one email being sent and use conditional content blocks to render the correct content.




Thanks Lawrence, will experiment with those methods and see how it goes.