Spam initiated by Active Campaign eMail being sent

I have built up an eMail list over the last year to around 12,300 folks. I am very careful with how I use the list - have never provided the eMail to anyone, never included any ads, etc. I have also never had a single report of spam being sent through our account (or caused because of it).

Today I received the following…

“I signed up for this course using a discrete email address, and within 12 hours began receiving spam for tinnitus aids, male homosexual hookups “in my area”, fat-burning aids, simulated flight experiences, and mail order brides — all sent to the same discrete address I created specifically for your course. I was prepared for on-site adverts, but this is unconscionable— and will be publicized.Shame on you”

I do not know how serious this or what I can to to prevent it but I admit to being concerned about just how much this person could potentially threaten my reputation.

I welcome any suggestions.

Thank you.

Hi @perfectbee,

Thanks so much for raising this concern.

First, I would like to reassure you that there is zero chance the data in your ActiveCampaign would ever be exposed or leaked. We have taken extensive precautions to secure your data and there is no chance any data in ActiveCampaign could be compromised without access to your passwords or API keys. You can read how we approach security here:

If one of your recipients received a lot of spam about the same time they signed up to your list, this would not be because ActiveCampaign leaked their email address. This would most likely be coincidental or because some malware on the page where your form is hosted is siphoning off the email addresses.

If you can file a support ticket to with the specific form in question we can try signing up to the form with traced, seed addresses to see where the spam is originating from. We can advise if there are any obvious security problems and what can be done to secure this form.


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Thank you - the prompt response is much appreciated. I will open a support ticket as requested.

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Of course @perfectbee; here to help!

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