SMS Automation and Podcast Episodes

Hey All,
I am thinking about utilizing the SMS subscriptions when I record my podcast episodes. My goal is to create some kind of downloadable content pertaining to the topic of the episode. At the beginning of the episode I would give them two ways to get this content, go to a specific url, or via sms. The idea would be that it would get them onto the list, it sends an automation with the download, and then moves them to my main list.

My questions are, do I need to create a different list for each podcast episode so that the automation with the SMS would work properly (ie for episode 10, they subscribe with the word Ep10, for episode 15 they subscribe with the word Ep15, etc). Also would the phone number stay the same? How do I create the automation to then move them to the main list after the initial email, and not trigger my “Welcome” Automation for people coming into the main list?

Hi @summitintegrativewel,

I think the easiest way to accomplish the above would be to have one list for your podcast and then create an automation for each podcast that would apply a tag, “PODCAST - Ep 15”. Then, you can have one automation for the podcast list that would send the initial email and not trigger your “Welcome” automation.

Also, just in case you haven’t seen the below help docs. you might find them useful to read over prior to sending an SMS Automation.

Hope that helps!


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Great, thank you for your help!

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