Sitetracking report


How can I view a report or list of contacts that have visited a site I’m tracking on lead pages?



Hi JP (@jean-paulpangalos-co),

Assuming that the contacts have been identified (you have their email) the historical page view data is automatically associated with the contact record and all page view data going forward is also collected and added to that contact in real-time.

As for viewing a list of contacts that have visited a site, you can filter contacts according to site tracking data on the main “Contacts” page, similar to the below:

Hope this helps,


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Hey JP ( jean-paulpangalos-co),

Biannca here from our CX team. I wanted to add on top of Perry’s last message and share that there’s segmentation conditions (in Advanced Search) where you can search for contacts who’s visited a page with our site tracking code (of course the contacts needs to be cookied first) - this is the segment conditions you can run From there, you can export the contacts and manipulate the data on an external application however you want.

If you want a reporting view for something like this, I would highly recommend submitting this as an idea at, where our team check this frequently and seek to implement ideas that are well supported.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out or email us at if you have any further questions.