I wrote a post about how I successfully implemented the Active Campaign site tracking with Gravity Forms. This tutorial will show you how to save a Gravity Forms email address into a cookie on form submission and then pass that cookie into the AC site tracking.
Cody, thanks so much for your excellent and very clear tutorial. It’s just what I was looking for.
I implemented it as suggested and the tracking picks up all site activity AFTER the form is submitted, but AC doesn’t link this to the tracking info it has been collecting prior to the form submission.
Anybody know how to get this info picked up too so I can what the user has been up to on the site before sending the form?
Active Campaign told me they DO track everything from the beginning and, when a form is submitted and email is captured, all activity is then pushed into the profile.
Though I don’t know if it actually works… Maybe they can shed some light on it for us.
Thanks so much for posting this. I am using GF and AC, and just figured out that GF will not pass a cookie to AC. I just spent a couple of days setting up multiple forms on my site using GF with a GF styler that’s part of the Beaver Builder ecosystem.
When I found your post here, I was eagerly anticipating its function.
I’ve copied and pasted the PHP into my php.functions file, inserted the AC tracking code with the correct ID, but to no avail. My email field in the GF i’m testing on is simply named “Email” as opposed to “Your Email”. I made a change in php to reflect that, but it’s still not passing a site tracking cookie to the contact record in AC.
I also test without Beaver Builder and used the native GF plugin within the text of wp…still no change. Site tracking will only occur if the recipient clicks on the email link sent to them. This at least confirms that the PHP site tracking code is working with cookies natively sent from AC via email campaigns.
I would greatly appreciate any insight you may be able to provide.
Hey @topleftcreative, I desperately need this solution! The link seems to be broken though. Is there anyway I could get the script to add ActiveCampaign site tracking through my gravity forms?
That page seems to have disappeared.
Can you post it again.
“how I successfully implemented the Active Campaign site tracking with Gravity Forms. This tutorial will show you how to save a Gravity Forms email address into a cookie on form submission and then pass that cookie into the AC site tracking.”