Simple Cross Automation? Other questions

Howdy All

I have a client that has two very specific, very different markets. We have created a nice white paper for each and I already have those automation sequences set set-up. However, they will soon also have a blog with its own subscription. Its a simple, hey- send me new posts, deal. No bribe.

However, many of these blog readers will fall into one of these two core customer camps. So for my welcome email (for the blog subs) I want to promote both white papers and basically say, “click here” for WP #1 or here for WP#2. That click would then trigger them being added to that to that automation and delivery process.

Is that possible? I know on the scrub automation, they can click a happy or sad face for an auto action. But Im not skilled enough at all this to know if what Im looking for can happen?

Also, this concerns me about them getting multiple emails from being on multiple lists:

WP (white paper) #1 subscribes list
WP#2 subscribes list
Blog subscribes that click and thus are on one of the two lists above (takes care of itself)
Blog subscribes that dont click on any WP links.

Best practices?

Thanks all :wink:

This is definitely possible and you’re on the right track with the “happy/sad face” campaign example.

You could just present them with two links, one for each white paper, and when they click a link you could use a link action to add them to a list:

Or, you could do this with an automation that is triggered by a link click. Whichever makes more sense to you.

The more difficult part of this is going to be avoiding the multiple email situations. You could make it so that they can only be on one list using an automation that checks to see if they’re already on the other list before subscribing them. You mentioned that these are very different markets, so it sounds like it’s unlikely someone would actually want to be on both lists?

If you can, give me a little more information about possible scenarios you want to avoid and we can figure out solutions for each one.

Awesome, Brian. I keep forgetting about that link drop down.

Hmm, let me think through the automation cop approach. I need to get a feel for where my long term is with this (old school paper! I need process maps!).

Appreciate the help