Show Lists in Contacts Display

When viewing the display of all Contacts, is there a way to show what Lists each contact is in? I can display the TAGS for each contact by not the lists.


When looking at your contacts you can filter by the lists they are on. Do you mean that when you look at a specific contact you want to see all the lists that particular contact is on? This might be of help:

No. I would like to be able to use the gear icon to show the lists a person is a member of, but that does not seem possible.

I am adding few people at a time from a specific list to an automation. I want to be able to see which people from that list have not been added to the automation.

Hi ittransformationinst,

Biannca here from our CX team, I wanted to update this post for anyone that comes across this post.

The gear icon on the Contact Overview page only allows you to show default and custom field values. If you want to see contacts on a list who have not been added to X automation, the quickest way is to run an advanced search like this

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out or email us at if you have any further questions.