Serious Bug in your Ecommerce Customer Create Customer API

You have a major bug in your Ecommerce Customer Create Customer API. Whenever you call the API to create an ecommerce customer, Create a customer - even if you send in the connectionId, your system automatically creates 2 ecommerce customers with the same exact email and other information, except for the connection id (one is 0 and other is the passed connection id). Subsequent calls to the API will return an error that there is a duplicate, but on the initial creation call via the API, 2 customers with the same exact information are created. We have tested this extensively and this always happens. We list our customers after a create customer and we always find that 2 customers with the same exact information are created by your API. These are total duplicates. This is causing us major problems as we can’t create orders because we have no idea which ecommerce customer Id to use for a customer, as there is always a duplicate. Once again, after the initial API call to create a customer, subsequent calls will return the duplicate error, but on the intial call 2 (two) duplicate customers are created.