Sending personalized emails using API

A question related to sending personalized emails using API.
I need advice on how to implement this better.

General task description:

  • Weekly updates for the users in a forum
    • Once a week to send personalized emails to users
    • The email should contain individual content for each user.
    • The list of the updated topics that a user is subscribed to. (depending on the user activity)
    • The email for each user will differ
      • Contact info
      • Topics list (One user can have two topics, and another user can have 15 topics)
      • Other similar lists…
  • How better to implement this?


  • Is there a similar method in the API v3
    • I found the create-a-new-message Create a message
    • but I don’t see the “html” parameter
  • Any other alternative solutions? How better to implement this?
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This can be accomplished using a combination of subscription lists, and custom objects. Here is a tutorial on how to populate custom object/data on each of your Contacts, and send emails with personalized data to each one.

If you’d like to use HTML to build your emails, follow this guide:

You can then use this email as a “template” for future emails. Guide:

Thanks for the answer, @gsvoboda!

Looking at the custom objects description seems it should help me.

Can you please answer several additional questions:

  • Is the “custom objects” feature limited depending on a plan?
    • The “List all schemas” request works OK (returns an empty list)
    • But the create a new schema request returns 403
    • Do I need the Enterprise plan to turn this feature on?
  • Is there an ability to iterate through the objects in the list in the Email?
    • In the tutorial, they output only one order.
    • I need to display the list of the orders.

I have updated the documentation. POST to /messages to create a new message, with HTML content: Create a message