Sending an email

Hi there, apologies in advance as this is a basic question. I started using AC a few weeks ago, I love it and I already have lists and automation going. But I’m still not sure whats the best way to send a single email to a list, presumably i could create an automation and say if in this list send this email but I just wondered if there is a shorter or better way to do that.

best regards Jonathan

Hi Jonathan,

Have you had a chance to check out Campaigns yet? I think that may be what you are looking for.


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thanks Bill, one follow up question, if i want to send a single email but it’s to people who are in one list but not in another, then even though it’s just one email would I have to do that in automations? From what I can see you can allow choose to send to lists in campaign and no other choices?

regards Jonathan.

Hi Jonathan,

If I understand what you want to do, you could first create a segment of people who are in one list and not the other (look under Actions in the segment builder) and then you could send a campaign (single email) to that segment.


I’m looking to send an email to my contacts telling them about my latest product, I want to send it to those that have bought off me before (they’re in 2 lists) but who haven’t bought this latest product (another list) - so your suggestion sounds like the best way to approach it, but newbee question here where do i find the segment buillder?

thanks Jonathan

Here you go, this should help -

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awesome - thanks Bill that is exactly what I needed !

best regards Jonathan

Hi Jonathan!

Welcome to the community and platform!

Our platform has changed a little since that document, so here is a screengrab on how to find the segment builder from your contact page.

Also, have you explored utilizing our tagging functionality?