"Send to a friend" from Landing Page


I have built a landing with AC’s page builder so people can download an Ebook. I want to add a “send to a friend” option so people can share the landing through mail or social networks but I can’t find any alternatives.

Any suggestions?


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Hey! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!

Although we don’t have a direct way to add a “send to a friend” option within pages, a great alternative it to do it from any of your text blocks. How it would work is by selecting a piece of the text (for this scenario, let’s say “send to a friend”) and then select the hipper link option to add a link. So basically every time your contact, click on that section of your landing page will be re-direct to your link of choice, which is this case will be your page. We also have a dedicated idea portal where you can submit your ideas directly to our technical team. Here’s the link: ideas.activecampaign.com This will ensure that your ideas are channeled to the right people, and your insights contribute to the evolution of ActiveCampaign.