Send frequency

So I have this 12000. I need to send them 1 letter. I don’t want to blast 12000 at the same time, let it be 5% of the list a day. How do i do that? I don’t see any settings for sending frequency / cadence.

I’m sorry this is the dumbest question to ask, but I was trying to find it all over the docs and web. Even Bard gave me a result that’s not right.

Enterprise plan, if it matters. Thanks so much!

Sadly this is nothing AC (or most other ESPs) have in mind. We struggled with this in the beginning, too. We were formerly used to stretch campaigns over a full month, evenly. We even stretched from minute to minute over the working hours. (with our own custom software) But there’s no way to do such things with common ESPs.

AC has no built in/automatic solution, too. You need to segment those recipients on your own.

There are many ways to do this. From automated via API (our software assigns each recipient a “group number” from 1 to 4, spreads them evenly and syhronizes this data via API) till manually via Contact-Download > assign groups in CSV file > import with Tags or group numbers added. … In the end you need a custom field or tags that can separate those 20x5% for you. And you need to copy the Campaign for 20 times (in case of 5% chunks) … or build an automation and trigger it each day with one 5% group after another. Tedious work, indeed. But there’s no other way. (… im aware of)

good luck :wink: