Selecting multiple tags for a list

As far as I can see to create a mailing list you have to go throu a procedure of adding each tag separately. Is there a way to select multiple tags to a list at the same time? If not, why not?

Hi @cherubimtrust , to create a mailing list, you just have to have a list of contacts - you don’t have to use tags.
However, if you do want to add multiple tags, you can use the “Edit all” button when you’re viewing a list of contacts.
In the “Bulk Edit” popup, you can choose multiple tags to be applied.
I made some screenshots to show this, however I’m having trouble uploading them right now. If you would find them helpful, I can try again later

Thank you for explaining. That seems an incredibly convoluted way of doing things.
If you could select from the tags page directly to create a list that would be very helpful.

Yep you can do that too :+1:
From the tags page (I’m assuming you’re talking about /app/tags) - click the “Contacts” number for the tag, which will take you to the contact list.
Then, you can use the “Edit all” button, and choose “Add to a list”. This will subscribe all contacts with that tag to your mailing list.