Segment Contacts when entering Automation

When I Segment them, how do I refer back to that Segment?

E.g., I segment based on whether “MoreSpeech” is in Current Plan (field).

I don’t see any name for that segment or way to refer back to that Segment.


Or… does it act like a “blocking filter” where it filters OUT anyone who does not meet that Segmentation criteria (so they never enter the automation)?

Hi Clay (@bungalowsoftware),

The second part is correct. It acts like a “blocking filter” where it filters OUT anyone who does not meet that Segmentation criteria (so they never enter the automation).


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And to clarify: When I Segment, I am segmenting IN (filtering IN) Contacts who will then continue on with the Automation, right?

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Yep, that’s correct, Clay.
