When trying to segment a user (for example when entering an automation), there is no way to segment by the contact creation date (when he was first added to AC). The only choice when segmenting is: Subscribed date/time and after testing it just seems to be the date/time when the user subscribed to that particular automation NOT when he first subscribed to AC overall.
However when creating “Date based trigger” automation, the choice “Creation date” is there.
For example, my use case is that I want to email the user when it’s his birthday but only he is a user for more than a month (I don’t want to send an happy birthday message one day after he register). I can create a date based automation with the birthday as a custom field but I cant add that “1 month or more after creation date”
You could create a wait step plus an if/else that checks the field to be within the last week or so, and if not, start over for next year. So, if yes, send email, if no, wait or end.
Since my birthdate is in the “MM-DD-YYYY” format, with the year being the actual birth year, there is no way to check if the date is within the last week because of the year in an if/else.
The date trigger automation let you select “When month and day match conditions” but the If/Else does not. You can only add/subtract days to current date.
I have a similar question: I want that my new contacts are invited to a webinar that happens every month. When one decides not to take part this month, I want them to be reminded when the next webinar is taking place.I can build a Circle using the IF/ELSE (a tag is created) and use the GOTO-Funktion to start at the top. But i want, that this loop should end after two times and not go on forever. But there is no Loop-counter, right?
So I thought I could use the field “date created” with IF/ELSE. But now I’m lost:
I want do build something like: If the date created is less than 45 days bevor today, go to the top and if its older, end automation. Do I use “plus” or “minus” in the comparison? (date created is current date minus/plus 45 days?)
Or is there an easier way to build this automation?