Search contacts for WHEN they submitted from a specific form or to a specific list

ac subscriptuion date

In my list, I would like to segment for a list of contacts that subscribed to a specific list or via a specific form between a date range. I can click on a contact and see the date they subscribed to a specific list, but I can’t see the option in the advanced search to do this.

I must be missing something.

Does anyone have a solution to this?

@anjuna Abbie from ActiveCampaign here - thanks for reaching out, and sorry for missing your question. The best way to do this may depend on what plan and features you have access to - the short answer is that there is not an easy way to do this with advanced search without doing a little building, as it only allows us to segment based on any subscribe link and not the specific time an individual list or form was submitted.

If you’re on a plan that includes custom reporting, this is a relatively easy report to build using list name and subscription date. However form submission data is not available in custom reports.

If you’re interested in using form submission dates, I would recommend creating a date-based field to track the date a form was submitted, or list was subscribed to - you can update this field automatically using an automation triggered by form submission or list subscription, depending on what is most useful for your business. Once this data lives in a dedicated custom contact field, you could easily do an advanced search around that date, or export your contact data to filter it externally as well.

If you haven’t already found a solution that works well for you or you’d like to explore these options in more depth, just reach out to us at so we can give you a hand!