Search by when tag was added or automation

Not sure if this is possible but I’d like to be able to do a search base don when people entered an automation or when a tag was added. It’s important because I’d like to tell if someone became a customer as a result of a recent automation or tag and not being able to see when they were added to it is difficult in determining this.

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Hi @robertg,

You can search by both. For the example, pictured below, I searched by tags based on the date the contact was added.

Under “Contacts” you will want to perform an “Advanced Search”:

Once you click in the advanced search you can add conditions to search your contacts by.

Hope that helps,


Thanks for chiming in. Isn’t this only relevant however if the contact was added the same time as the tag? What if the contact was added a long time ago and the tag was added recently?

Hi @robertg,

If the contact is pre-existing and the tag is added later (recently) you can still search as mentioned above.

Also, if you want any additional help or someone to walk you through this in more detail feel free to reach out to support.

Hope this helps,


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Hey there - I was very excited when I found this as I wanted to segment my list by people who had a certain tag added in last 7 days - but the search condition ‘DATE’ (on its own) does not seem to be an option anymore… there is only Date Created/Subscribed etc.
Am I missing something or is it simply no longer possible to find people who had a tag added within a certain date range…?

I am relaunching this thread — this is a feature that is much needed and missing in Active Campaign. In my previous email marketing platform, it was data I relied on. After moving to AC, and finding out it’s not an option, I’m stumped. I need to know when tags are added and removed. The same stats for when someone subscribes and unsubscribes to a list should be available for tags as well. Has anyone got any workaround to find out this info? Support has given me a script to run that gives me a non-user friendly version of the data, but it’s not one I can share with my team or build automations upon. Any leads appreciated. Thanks