Same contact multiple sales quotes

We are using the API to add contacts to our nurturing campaigns for sales quotes.

We need to allow the same contact to enter an automation multiple times with different values for the custom fields like quote id, quote amount and quote date. Is this possible?

I see email must be unique so adding the contact more than once appears to not be an option.

Brad Giesbrecht

Hi @theautomediator - thanks for reaching out! This is a great question. The short answer is that we do need to see a unique email address for each contact. However, there are a few ways we can tie several values to a single contact - I’d recommend checking your plan to see if it includes any of these features or consider adding them so you can do this kind of tracking and outreach.

  • Deals: a single contact record can be tied to multiple individual deals with custom data - you can trigger automations and track individual journeys to a single contact, streamlining and automating research for a customer who might purchase several products, and need a deal for each one
  • Custom Objects: Similar to deals, but a bit more advanced, these records offer you a way to tie several products or purchases with unique data points to a single contact, as well as automate outreach and messaging. This may require a developer to implement, but if you already use API to control customer journeys, this might be a great way to exercise the control you need