Retrieving Engagement Metrics by Day


I’d like to use the API to pull a list of Campaigns (which I can) and then possibly get the engagement metrics (opens, clicks, etc) by day attached to each individual campaign. I’m able to do it in the UI, but cannot find the correct documentation on how to do this using the API. Can anyone ehlp? Thanks.

Hi there, Abbie from ActiveCampaign here - if you use the call to list all campaigns, it will automatically include opens, clicks, and sends. You can use these data points to create your own calculations for open and click rates. Here is an example of what this looks for a campaign in my account:
Shared with Zight

You can see here that my campaign went to 3 contacts, and received 2 unique opens and 1 unique click. If I save this data to an excel or sheet, I can create a formula for my rates with this information (Open rate = opens/total sends), etc.

If you’re still having trouble or you’re having a hard time finding this in your own call, please share your call and results with us as so we can better assist you directly!


Thank you for that. As I mentioned, I’ve gotten that far but I’d like to pivot that engagement information by date or, if that’s impossible, find individual instances of these occurring that I can then aggregate with my code.

Is that possible?

@bxs1 So sorry for missing your follow up question and misunderstanding your issue. Thank you for clarifying! If you want to filter the call itself, you can append your call to apply a filter. Date is definitely a popular filter. Depending on how much control you want to have over the data, and the complexity of what filters you want to apply, you may also want to consider pivoting your information via another platform, like excel or sheets, where you can better arrange and visualize the data. To better help you review your data and how to set up your specific call, I would still recommend you follow up with us at so we can lend a hand!