This may be a very simple question, but how do I set up a campaign to just send the same email every week as a check-in for my clients.
This may be a very simple question, but how do I set up a campaign to just send the same email every week as a check-in for my clients.
Hi @suzannehaynes77,
The easiest way would probably be to create the campaign in an automation.
You would need to determine the trigger, but that could just be a Tag that you add to the relevant contacts, or a list you will use specifically for this purpose…
Then, create the email as the first step, follow this with a Wait condition set to 1 week, and finally add a “Go To” condition, which you loop around to the email action.
That way, once a contact enters the automation, then email will be sent to them every week, and they will just go around the loop indefinitely, or until they unsubscribe.
You could also add an If/Else condition in before the Go To action, to check whether they still meet the relevant criteria, e.g. If Tag Exists - Yes, Go To / No End Automation.
I hope that makes sense. Let me know if something visual would help.
Could you just forward it
Hi @GilesMagee, there is a big problem or a bug in AC with this solution. For example. I sent a campaign and I want to determine the next path for a contact on “if / else condition” - whether the contact clicked on a link in campaign or not. However, this “if / else condition” statement never resets itself so when you create a loop with “go to” function and the contact won’t click on a link in second campaign, but clicked on it in first, he will still take the “yes” path. This is similiar even when you end this automation and trigger it again by another automation.
This is real issue for me right now…
Hi @slavotuleya,
Thank you for responding. I think what you are describing is different from the original query though. The original question was how to send the same email every week. What I understand from your comment is that you are not wanting to resend the same email, but rather send a series of emails, dependent on whether they click a link contained within one of the emails.
Have I understood that correctly?
Or do you want the flow of emails to repeat every week, irrespective of whether the contact click on the links or not?