Renaming list for confirmation email

Is it possible to rename the list in the confirmation email so it doesn’t say the internal name of my list? For example I have a list called “Promos” and noticed a few people were getting a confirmation that said “You subscribed to promos”, which obviously isn’t ideal. I turned off list confirmation in the specific form but still would like to know for future reference.


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Hi Robert,

Yes, this is possible. Opt in confirmation is actually managed through the form itself. Here’s a short video showing where to find these settings and modify the opt in confirmation template to change the name of the list that appears.

Hey there! Customer Experience team here to update this thread. The Opt in confirmation can be updated as in this article below shows, but have in mind that if you don’t use the personalization tag to pull the list name, you must update it to another information that makes the content of the list explicit to the contact. This way they are aware of the list content and can confirm their subscription.

How to edit your opt-in confirmation email - access the form > select the Options tab > click to edit the list subscription > and lastly click to edit the confirmation email.