Re-arrange Deal Fields

Hi, I have no problem adding custom Fields to deals and creating groups and arrange the custom fields.

But what I would need right now is to re-arrange them in between the standard fields in

a) the add new deal form
b) the deal itself.

E.G. our deal value has more than just the normal value, so I would like to add my custom field right next to the deal vcalue field so that they are alwaysw shown together and also can be filled out when adding a deal.
I did not find anything about how to do that.
Any hints?

Hi @bettermarketing - Abbie from ActiveCampaign here. thanks for reaching out! It sounds like you may be creating deals manually, or through an integration, and you’d like to change the data prompts so that you can manually add custom fields as you create the deal, without having to first save the deal and then make the custom fields changes. Am I correctly understanding what you want to achieve? If not, you may want to reach out to us at so we can dig in together more easily and make sure we’re getting you the right resources.

There is not currently a way to add a custom field as a initial update when you manually create a deal - you will always be first prompted to complete the basic deal information before going on to further customize it.

  • You could try using a CSV Deal Import to more efficiently push data into all deal areas at once
  • Ideas Forum - suggest this improvement for more efficient data processing with our team so it can be considered in future improvements

I hope these suggestions help! Just let us know what other questions you have, and how else we can help!

Hi thanks,

yes that was exactly the question. There are many Deals we have to add by hand from phone calls. And therefor it would be easier to have our own form to add it.

But thanks, than we have to think about other ideas.

Thanks for clarifying! I think you’re on the right track - my personal recommendation would be to build an ActiveCampaign form for deal submissions. This would allow you to make those fields required for submission by your team. We would likely need to build contact fields to hold the form submission, and a follow up automation to move that data from the contact field to the true destination, the custom deal field. While this would take a bit of building up front, it would allow you to completely customize that intake process and automate the deal creation!

I hope that option is helpful - don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any other questions for me about this, or you want to follow up with us as you continue to explore additional options! Always happy to talk through options to make sure you’ve found the best possible solution if we can help! :slight_smile: