Randomise Content

Has anyone come up with a solution for randomising emails?

I have an automation that sends an email which controls the splitting of contacts into individual automations based upon their interests. Each individual automation runs for a month. Once they’ve completed the automation, I’d like the option to send them back to the start again to check out some of the other interest ‘pathways’ if they haven’t reached a particular goal. I would like to create 3-4 different emails for the ‘splitter’ email so that when they get looped back around they get shown a different email.

Any ideas?

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Hey @intrepidexposures293,

The easiest way to randomize content is by using Split Test action, although I am not completely sure that is how I would handle the entire objective.

This is the framework I created at ActiveCampaign to achieve a similar function. The forums probably aren’t the best place to demonstrate this, but I’ll try. Stay tuned for a more thorough explanation from me in the future.

Everything is built around the single responsibility design principle.

Tier 1: The Attribution Router

This is the only automation that has a trigger. Every other automation is triggered by a parent automation like this one. This starts when a contact is first created.

The single purpose of this automation is to route contacts into appropriate sub-automations (Tier 2: Controllers) based on the contact’s attributes. You could gather attributes explicitly when a contact fills out a form, or implicitly based on user behavior etc…

Based on the contact’s attributes, route them into one or more of the Tier 2: Controller Automations

Tier 2: Controller Automations

The single purpose of controller automations is to control the order that you route contacts into Tier 3: Message Automations. In my case, I want to send messaging about our ecommerce deep data integrations to our ecommerce (attribute) customers right away. I may not want to send messaging to a brick and mortar salon about deep data at all. But I would want to send messaging related to our automations, campaigns, and crm to both.

In that example, I would create two Tier 2 automatios: T2 - VERTICAL: Ecommerce, and T2 - VERTICAL: Small Business. I would use the Tier 1 automation created above, to route the contact into the most appropriate Tier 2 controller automation based on their attributes (ecommerce or not).

Tier 2 automations are made up of a series of “Enter automation” actions, and goals. Goals are designed with both a leap action, and a wait until action. If a user has completed an automation, the goal will “jump” them over the enter automation. If the contact hasn’t finished an automation, then the goal will wait until the contact has finished the automation.

When the Tier 2: automation is finished, it drops them back into the Tier 1 Router, to detect if there has been any changes in the user’s attributes, and the loop is finished.

Tier 3: Function Automations

Tier 3 Function Automations’ single responsibility is to message the user, or to drive some sort of user behavior. We measure this by using goals.

We also use the goal to “jump” a user down to the bottom, if they have opened the first email. In this example, the automation sends the first email, and then waits a day. If the contact opens the email in the first day it jumps the second email and ends the automation. If the contact doesnt open the first email, it sends the second email and ends the automation.

This is just an example, please don’t be so aggressive with your own contacts.

You could also replace the goal, with an event. So that way if the user has completed your event, or visited your webpage, or done any number of other things, before entering the automation then you could also just skip them to the end of the automation. For example, if they have already connected the “ecommerce integration” then you dont need to introduce it to them, and you could just skip them to the bottom.

I hope this all makes sense! I am happy to answer any other questions about this since it can be a bit confusing, and will try and get an ebook to you shortly!


Awesome! Thanks so much for sharing this.

I’ve started to work on a system similar to the one you’ve described based on a funnel control automation with the messaging coming off this in a way similar to yours. The only problem I’ve reached is how to control lead magnets when there are multiple. For example, at the moment, the lead magnet drops them at the start of the funnel, but if they then download a different one halfway through, I have no way of adjusting their journey to take into account the renewed information without them potentially repeating the journey over again.

Do you have any ideas on this?

Hey @intrepidexposures293,

yeah definitely! Thats why I only have one entrance into the whole system, the first “T1 Router.” If you wanted you could set this to only run once per contact instead of multiple times. Also depending on how you manage your lists, you could have the T1 Router start when a subscriber is added to a list (instead of on form submission). Each subsequent form submission wont be adding them to the list again, just updating their attributes.


If you build it right (and it is hard trust me!) it really shouldn’t matter how many times the contact enters the automation. The whole thing is designed to loop anyway. The T2 goals will ensure that each contact receives the same messaging only once, by jumping them over the T3 automations they have previously ended. However, that does start to break down if a contact is currently in a T3 automation, the contact hasn’t completed, so they wont jump it. You could easily fix this by including an or statement, or generally messing w the goal conditions.

You shouldn’t necessarily count on this behavior, however it is a redundancy check to help prevent collisions.

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