Question about Lists

Hello all!,

I’m new with AC and i have a general question After integrating with Shopify, all of my contacts will be added to AC - when that is completed, I will have all contacts in the general contacts area.

The question is: Should I create a Master List and move all contacts there? If so, how do I make sure their accepts marketing remains intact and don’t make them automatically active but rather use their current preferences?


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Hi there, Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.

Creating a Master List and moving all contacts there after integrating with Shopify is a good practice for organising your contacts within ActiveCampaign. This can help you manage your contacts more effectively and segment them based on different criteria.

When moving contacts to a Master List, it’s important to ensure that their marketing preferences, including their consent to receive marketing communications, remain intact. You want to respect their existing preferences and not automatically opt them into marketing communications without their consent.

Here’s how you can ensure their marketing preferences are preserved:

  1. Use the contact/sync API endpoint: When syncing contacts from Shopify to ActiveCampaign, use the contact/sync API endpoint instead of contact/add. The contact/sync endpoint allows you to update existing contacts without overwriting their existing data.
  2. Include marketing consent in the sync request: When syncing contacts, include their marketing consent status in the request payload. This ensures that their consent status is preserved.
  3. Segment contacts based on marketing preferences: After moving contacts to the Master List, you can segment them based on their marketing preferences. This allows you to target specific groups of contacts for marketing campaigns based on their consent status.

Any questions or additional ideas, thread them below!