I use the API to send single campaigns just fine. I’ve been working on setting up split-tested campaigns via the API and they almost work. I create two messages and associate them with a campaign and they even seem to send fine. The problem is I don’t get any open/read and link click analytics via the ActiveCampaign admin dashboard.
What do I mean?
Here is the click report for one of the messages sent in the split-test campaign: Cloudup (which is what I expect)
Here is the click report for the other message sent in the split-test campaign: Cloudup (No links? That’s weird.)
Both messages are exactly the same and this is a test account so I received one of the emails myself, opened, and clicked a link. But it looks like nothing is working correctly. Here are the parameters I sent for the campaign_create
API call:
[17-Apr-2017 18:16:50 UTC] Array
[type] => split
[name] => Billy Penn Daily: Testing Splits Numero Dos
[status] => 1
[public] => 1
[tracklinks] => all
[tracklinksanalytics] => 1
[trackreads] => 1
[htmlunsub] => 0
[textunsub] => 1
[p[44]] => 44
[addressid] => 1
[m[270]] => 50
[m[271]] => 50
[split_type] => even
And here was the response from the API
[17-Apr-2017 18:16:51 UTC] stdClass Object
[id] => 75
[result_code] => 1
[result_message] => Campaign saved
[result_output] => json
[message_ids] => Array
[0] => 270
[1] => 271
Not sure what I am missing…