Privacy Policy Link in Checkbox Field

I have my privacy policy checkbox in my forms in order to be GDPR compliant. I do have an additional HTML field underneath with the link to the privacy policy. My question is: How can I integrate my link to the privacy policy in the checkbox line just at the words “privacy policy”? That would save a custom HTML field line and additionally - every line saved increases conversion. I hope I’m not the only one who has this question and hopefully someone already has found an answer. Thank you!

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Hi @ronnyleber,
I do not believe this is possible at the moment as the checkbox text comes from the Custom Field value which does not support the addition of HTML code.

Hi Ronny, Abbie from ActiveCampaign here - you may find this resource helpful - while it will require a developer with knowledge of HTML code, you may be able to add this level of customization with the HTML Code field option!