Prestashop integration

Hi all, Im desperate to get my prestashop and customers from my prestashop store intergrated into active campaign automatically. Does anyone else use prestashop and figured out a work around or got an awesome solution they can share?

Many thanks for your help all in advance and look forward to your suggestions and help.

Kind regards,



Hi James, I am also searching for this integration solution.
Have you found something since?



Just in case anyone is still looking for a solution, I just bought this:

In my pre-purchase questions, I asked about differentiating between customers, and those that opt in / out and they said:

You will have the “newCustomer__newsletter” and “newCustomer__optin” variables which you can filter in Zapier in order to add it to your newsletter Active Campaign.

Still to test and install it, but it might help some of you.



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Awesome. Thanks for sharing that with the community, Rich!

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My pleasure - seems like there is a real shortage of PrestaShop/AC integrations :slight_smile:

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Hi! Just for the ones looking for this integration like myself a couple of days ago. My company doesn’t use Zapier so i’ve built a little module in Prestashop to syncronize new customers with Active Campaign. If you know a little of PHP programming shouldn’t be too difficult with the Prestashop documentation

and the API Wrapper from Active Campaign

The examples included in the latter are enough to solve the simplest scenarios.

Sorry if my English isn’t very good but it’s not my first language.

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Hey! Customer Experience team here to update this post. Prestashop provides now a native integration with ActiveCampaign now, please take a look: