We inadvertently sent a campaign with predictive sending turned on. (we do not use predictive sending normally) This was “sent” at 9:00am today. As of now it is very unclear as to if the campaign has successfully sent and delivered to the nearly 1300 recipients. I happen to have 3 email test addresses in the list and have not received the email to any of the 3. The report shows a status of “delivered” on all contacts - yet it does not show if you look at one of the contacts. And more oddly I am active and open my emails all day everyday so would have expected for the email to have been delivered to me by now. I would appreciate advice on what feels like not so predictive :). Only advice I got was that I had to look at each contact to know if delivered (not efficient for an automation tool) and that “this is the way it works”. Hoping the community has better advice. Thank you!
I wish I had an answer, but we also faced the same problem last week. To make matters worse, the email we were sending was time sensitive. We asked how to cancel and re-send, but received incorrect instructions and our constituents ended up getting the 6AM “wake up” email at 6PM or later
Following for suggestions and urging more clarity/control around this feature!