Possible Bug - V3 Contact Update (PUT) - Attempts Failed with Email Exists


I’m working on a Golang library and have hit a little bump.

Either I am doing something wrong – or there is a bug in v3 contact update (PUT, /api/3/contacts/id).

I have tried using different variations of the required JSON but all of my attempts have failed.

Strangely enough, if you send a PUT request to the POST endpoint (/api/3/contact/sync) it appears to work.

From what I can see, it seems like the PUT endpoint would allow you to change an email address since you are using the contact ID in the URL. I just tried sending a PUT->/api/3/contacts/id with a different email address and the existing ID in both the URL and the JSON, and it just created a new user (this is definitely broken).

Not sure what other variants I can try at this point. Help? I am also willing to help.



Current User

"contact":{id: "35", "email":"test@user.com","firstName":"Test","lastName":"User","phone":"2125551212"}}

Update Variants

{"contact":{"email":"test@user.com","firstName":"Test","lastName":"Smith","phone":"7185551212"}} // Last and phone update, get email exists.
{"contact":{"email":"test@user.com","firstName":"Test","lastName":"User","phone":"2125551212","orgid":1}} // Add OrgID only, get email exists.
{"contact":{"id":35,"email":"test@user.com","firstName":"Test","lastName":"User","phone":"2125551212","orgid":1}} // Include ID, get email exists.
{"contact":{"firstName":"Test","lastName":"Smith","phone":"7185551212"}} // URL includes ID, get email required.
{"contact":{"id":35,"firstName":"Test","lastName":"Smith","phone":"7185551212","orgid":1}} // JSON also includes ID, get email required.
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Hi there,

Thanks for the feedback. I will send this over to our dev team to take a look.


Any word on this possible bug?

Same here, if i use the contacts/id endpoint with an existing id, a new contact will be created (instead of an update)… really annoying

Any news on this?

It seems this bug is still in… after a LONG time… any idea on when it will be fixed?
Still getting an error back when trying to update a contact:

	"errors" : 
			"code" : "duplicate",
			"detail" : "",
			"error" : "",
			"source" : 
				"pointer" : "/data/attributes/email"
			"title" : "Email address already exists in the system"