Place image behind text?

New to ActiveCampaign.

I’m creating my first email from the Welcome Email template, and I’d like to know if there’s a way to put an image behind the “Welcome” text along the top portion of the email. I do see the “Insert Image” option, but that places an image to the side; I’d like it to be behind the text.

thank you.


I also wonder if there is such an opportunity, I would use it. I am in business correspondence with colleagues about new technical developments and would like to send an image of the latest radiation level meter to the text. I think this model is phenomenal! I would like to understand technology as well as equipment

did you ever find out how to do this?

Hey Scott! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!

  1. When it comes to adding background images to your campaigns, It is best practice to avoid using them as some email provider usually have problems rendering those correctly once your campaign is delivered. We recommend using a fallback background color in the event that the background image is not rendered. Outlook, in particular, has trouble with rendering background images and some versions of Outlook do not support background images at all. That said, if you are still interested in doing so, you can build using the HTML builder. Although we do not troubleshoot custom coding directly, I found some info that I believe might be useful for you to have a better picture of this process. To check it out, please click HERE.

Hope this helps, and keep us posted if anything comes up along the way!