Personalizing Personalization

I was wondering if there is a way to customize the way Personalization Tags appear in the final email sent.

Here is what I’m setting up in a text block


However there will be some times when I do not have a Spouse First Name. Short of manually changing particular messages, can AC see that the second tag is blank and account for that and remove the space and the work “and” when the 2nd tag is not present.


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You could try adding 2 text blocks - one will have %FIRSTNAME% only and the other containing %FIRSTNAME% and %SPOUSE_FIRST_NAME%.

Then, in both these blocks, click the cog icon and select Make Conditional. Set the conditions for each block i.e. %SPOUSE_FIRST_NAME% exists/does not exist.

Hey Matt! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to provide further insights!
When it comes to personalization tags, we don’t have a direct way to organize/move that blank space. The above idea seems like a nice workaround. I would also suggest creating default values for the personalization tags in case your contacts don’t have that info by the time the campaign is sent, this will make sure that instead of having that blank space you can have a general statement that work for every case. Here is how to do that:

  1. Click Contacts
  2. Click Fields.
  3. Click either the Accounts, Contacts, Or Deals tab.
  4. Click the pencil icon over the field you wan t use
  5. Type the default value and then click “Save.”
  6. You might also want to check our ARTICLE in regards for more insights!