Personalization tag with custom checkbox field

I’m in the process of setting up a Preference Centre to allow users to manage their subscription preferences (via a link at the bottom of our automated emails). It makes sense for the user to click the link in their email and to have all relevant data pre-filled: their name, email address, and any current preferences they’re subscribed to.

I’m using a custom field to hold info on which list they’re subscribed to. However I’m having an issue with prefilling the custom field when the user has more than one checkbox selected.

Here are some example links:

  • List 1 - prefilling only “list1” works as expected
  • List 2 - prefilling only “list2” works as expected
  • List 1 and List 2 - prefilling both “list1” and “list2” does not work, both are unselected

Is there a way to fix this? I’m not sure how I can format that personalization tag any different. If there’s a different way to achieve this I’m all for it, I just can’t figure it out.

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In case anyone’s reading this in the future with a similar situation, I came up with a fix that works for us:

  • host the form within our own environment, where we can run our own JavaScript
  • have some JS trigger only with this particular form, and search for the personalization tag data in the URL string
  • do some string manipulation to extract the data, and then check the relevant checkbox fields

So all in all, it works and works pretty well, and means we can have the user open this page (with a link from an email sent to them) and the form accurately reflects their current subscription status.

I’m looking for exactly this information. Did you have any luck?

I don’t want to involve website development, especially as we’re in the process of migrating website back-end - seems like something that should be possible within ActiveCampaign.

Ran into the same problem here: I need to pass on the already checked items in a checkbox field to a pre-filed AC form, but the query string doesn’t work.

I read that a piece of JS code could do the job and that could be a solution in my situation. Anyone who would be willing to share some example code, as I am not a JS expert? @thebrew maybe?

Much appreciated, thank you.

Hi all,

Looking for the same thing. Also prefer to manage without JS code, but directly in the URL string or so. Any ideas?

Hey there! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!

  • Let’s start with letting your customers manage their own subscription, this is a great idea to let your customers update subscription within the campaigns you send from your account. To achieve this, there are several actions to take, such as: Creating a custom contact field
    Let’s start with letting your customers manage their own subscription, this is a great idea to let your customers update subscription within the campaigns you send from your account. To achieve this, there are several actions to take, such as: Creating a custom contact field, a subscription preference form, adding it to your email and finally setting up an automation to perform those actions in real time. You can check this ARTICLE for more insights.

  • Now regarding pre-filling those fields, as shown above that is something that can be done through coding if you have the knowledge or have a developer to work with as our team can’t troubleshoot custom coding. Within the ActiveCampaign functions, you so have the option to pre-fill fields on your forms, but this is limited to the following field types: text input, text area, date, date time, and hidden. To learn more about this feature, click HERE.

Keep us posted if anything comes up along the way, happy to take a look!