Pages Detailed Conversion Metrics?

I can see the overall conversion percentage for each page on the Pages overview, but how do I see how many people clicked which links?

Obviously when there’s a form, it becomes obvious because I can see how many people filled out a form. But I have a few buttons on one of my pages that go to mailto or URLs. They’re all marked as counting as a conversion, but… how do I tell which one got clicked?

There doesn’t seem to be a function that I can easily find that tells me who clicked on which like there are in campaign reports.

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Hey Alex! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!

As of right now, we don’t have page reports the same way as in campaigns. That said, you still have access to the Page Metrics and implement some other alternatives, such as:

  1. Add site tracking to Pages
  2. Running advanced searches on ‘site visited’
  3. Adding Google Analytics to your landing page.

Hope this helps and keep us posted if anything comes up along the way!