Notifications for webpage visits

I’m new to this program and i want to use it to give myself a notification if a contact visit certain (product)pages on my website. I’ve managed to make an automation for every productpage but figuered that when i put those automations (12 in total) active, i will get a lot of notification-mails when a contact is browsing on my website. ( e.g.: When one contact is visiting 10 of my product pages, i will get 10 notifications.)

Is there a way to combine these notifications, that i know which of my contacts are on my productpages, without getting loads of mails per contact?

Thanks for the help!



Hey @remixmarketing,

The answer is probably! But I admit I am still not 100% sure I understand what your plans are?

You could combine all 12 automations into a single “Visits product page automation” a couple of ways, either using a wildcard character in the matching pattern** or with multiple triggers for the single automation.

You can also limit the automation to run only once per contact as well, but that will only send a notification for the first time a contact visits one of your product pages and not for any other times after.

Does that help?

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Thanks for the quick respons,

If i would use a wildcard, does that mean that i cant see the specific page the contact is visiting?
In that case i think the option to limit the automation to run only once would be the best alternative.

Is it possible that i get a update who has visited my pages once a day? that i get a list with contacts?

You will always be able to see the specific pages the contact has visited from their contact view page, that will always be available to you.

Ahhh I see yes, you can accomplish that, however we don’t have any digest functionality built in.

The way I would accomplish this, would be instead of using the notification action in your automation, use the webhook action.

Setup a Zap using Zapier using a catch webhook and their digest email action, and you should be able to accomplish what you would like.

You could also feed Zapier a webhook and use the RSS action to create a feed for yourself. Then you could setup an RSS campaign in your ActiveCampaign account to notify yourself of all the new contacts that visited a product page.

Keep us posted how it turns out!

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