Non read emails trigger

hi, Im new to this.
Can I set an automation thenset an automated response to those people who have not read the email?

Also Can I keep updating the automation and will the changes that have been applied to the automation be applied to the contacts that the emails have already been sent to.

So for examples. Automation created. Emails sent. then realised i want a follow up email. Add a follow up email.

Will the follow up email be sent automatically or will i have to no start again with the contacts.

Hi there, Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.

It is possible! Here’s a simple set up:

  • Start trigger of your choice
  • Optional: Add a wait step to allow contacts to queue here until x conditions are set, such as: wait until Time is 10am and Day of the week is Monday > once 10-10:59 am rolls around on any Monday, the contacts will pass through the wait step.
  • Email 1 send action: set up your email to send to contacts
  • Crucial step here: Set up a wait step to give your contacts X amount of time to read/engage with the campaign. A good amount of days is 3 days, but you are welcome to set up any amount fo time (1 day, 1 week etc.)
  • If/Else step: Use conditions: Has opened ‘Email 1’ (the email set up above)
  • If yes > set up your yes path (apply a tag, send a thank you email, end the automation etc.)
  • If no (contact has not opened Email 1) > set up your no path with the following:
  • Optional: Add a wait step to allow contacts to queue here until x conditions are set, such as: wait until Time is 10am and Day of the week is Monday > once 10-10:59 am rolls around on any Monday, the contacts will pass through the wait step.
  • Email 2 send action: set up your email to send to contacts
  • Crucial step: Add a very large wait step here example: 1 year wait step > this is just to give you ample time to set up another email (when you are ready).

You can then later set up if/else to say ‘has opened Email 2’ > yes or no. Set up Yes path and No path etc. as you did above.

  • When you eventually set up Email 3 (say you set this up a week later), you can then change the 1 year wait step that your contacts are queued in (say you want to change it to 3 days again > once this is changed to 3 days, the contacts will pass through immediately (as it has been over 3 days since they arrived at the wait step > it has been a week exactly).

Before you do this, just ensure that the 3rd email is actually the last email you want to send, otherwise it would be wise to set up another large wait step so that when contacts exit email 3 step, they then queue here again, until you are ready for email 4 etc.

Any questions or additional ideas, thread them below!